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Guess what? All in white

Polako, ljudi, leto još nije gotovo! A dokle god je sunce tu, tu je i bela boja, a ništa ne asocira više na leto nego ona. Obožavam kombinacije u kojima glavnu ulogu igra bela, dodate malo sitnih detalja i eto vas na nekoj pešćanoj plaži pod palmom! Mada često detalji nisu ni potrebni, prstići gore i za apsolutno bele kombinacije. Belu boju često povazujemo sa jednosavnošću, skromnošću, makoćom, perfekcionizmom ali i elegancijom i luksuzom, pa se odeveni u belo od glave do pete upravo tako i osećamo. Ovog leta su šarenilo i jarke boje zamenjeni jednostavnim dezenima i mirnim, nežnim bojama, i moram vam priznati da sam oduševljena tom idejom. Iskoristite taman ten i ponesite još koji put "White-on-white" kombinacije dokle god sunce igra na našoj strani.
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

Take it easy, guys, summer's not over yet! And as long as summer lasts, there is The white color, and nothing associate on summer more than whitness. I loooove every combination in which white is playing a main role, you can add some small details and here you are, on one sandy beach, under a palm. Although, often you don't even need detalis, thumbs up for all in white combinations. We usually connect white with simplicity, modesty, softness, perfectionism but also with elegance and luxury, so that is the way we feel wearing white from head to toe. This summer multicoloure and strong colors are replaced whith simple pattern and soft colors, and I have to admit that i like the idea. Use your dark skin to wear "White-on-white" combinations for a cuople of times more, while the sun still plays on our side.
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.

Na meni//On me

košulja//shirt IDIAN SHOP
pantalone//pants REACTIVE
kaiš//belt HERMES
torba//bag CARPISA
mokasine//loafers ALTER SHOES
On my lips ESSENCE in color 02-all you need is red, you should try it, it is amazing!

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