



Guess what? All in white

Polako, ljudi, leto još nije gotovo! A dokle god je sunce tu, tu je i bela boja, a ništa ne asocira više na leto nego ona. Obožavam kombinacije u kojima glavnu ulogu igra bela, dodate malo sitnih detalja i eto vas na nekoj pešćanoj plaži pod palmom! Mada često detalji nisu ni potrebni, prstići gore i za apsolutno bele kombinacije. Belu boju često povazujemo sa jednosavnošću, skromnošću, makoćom, perfekcionizmom ali i elegancijom i luksuzom, pa se odeveni u belo od glave do pete upravo tako i osećamo. Ovog leta su šarenilo i jarke boje zamenjeni jednostavnim dezenima i mirnim, nežnim bojama, i moram vam priznati da sam oduševljena tom idejom. Iskoristite taman ten i ponesite još koji put "White-on-white" kombinacije dokle god sunce igra na našoj strani.
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

Take it easy, guys, summer's not over yet! And as long as summer lasts, there is The white color, and nothing associate on summer more than whitness. I loooove every combination in which white is playing a main role, you can add some small details and here you are, on one sandy beach, under a palm. Although, often you don't even need detalis, thumbs up for all in white combinations. We usually connect white with simplicity, modesty, softness, perfectionism but also with elegance and luxury, so that is the way we feel wearing white from head to toe. This summer multicoloure and strong colors are replaced whith simple pattern and soft colors, and I have to admit that i like the idea. Use your dark skin to wear "White-on-white" combinations for a cuople of times more, while the sun still plays on our side.
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.

Na meni//On me

košulja//shirt IDIAN SHOP
pantalone//pants REACTIVE
kaiš//belt HERMES
torba//bag CARPISA
mokasine//loafers ALTER SHOES
On my lips ESSENCE in color 02-all you need is red, you should try it, it is amazing!



Zdravo, dragi moji,
Sada za vas imam jednu opuštenu i udobnu kombinaciju od pre neki dan kada sam išla sa sestrom u bioskop. Bioskop? Daa, ima nas još takvih koji obožavamo veliko platno i stolice koje se pomeraju gore-dole, i kojima gledanje filmova preko interneta nema tako veliku čar. Uz puno smeha i kokica provele smo fantastično veče koje nam je bilo tako potrebno. Kada smo kod starih stvari, ima li išta starije od starki (s razlogom ih tako i zovemo :D)? Obožavamo ih ko zna koliko godina unazad, nosimo ih u svim mogućim varijantama i bojama i nikada nam neće dosaditi. Možda tajna njihove besmtrnosti leži upravo u lakoći njihovog kombinovanja i udobnosti. Ja lično bih ih nosila svakog dana, ove bele pogotovu. Što više razmišljam, sve više sam sigurna da bih volela da živim u nekom maaaalo starijem vremenu, tamo bih valjda zatekla pun bioskop i devojke obučene onako kako ja najviše volim i možda pisala kolumnu u nekim crno-belim novinama.
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

Hello, my dears,
Now I have for you one casual and comfy combination from another day when I was at cinema with my sister. Cinema? Yup, there are still us who loooooveee the big screen and chairs moving up and down, and who cant find the beauty in watching movies on internet. We spent an amazing night with a lot of laugh and popcorns and we needed it so much. When we talk about old things...is there anything older than these Converse sneakers? We loooove them for who knows how long, we wear them in every single tipe and color and we will never be bored with them. Maybe, the secret of their immortality lies in easiness of their combinig and cosiness. I would wear them every day, these white especially. The more I think, more I am sure that I would love to live in past years, I guess I would find there full cinemas, girls dressed like I love the most and maybe write a column in one black and white magazines.
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.

Ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju facebook stanicu // Don't forget to like my facebook page

Na meni//On me
košulja//shirt MARKS & SPENCER
pantalone//pants NEW YORKER
marama//skarf INDIAN SHOP
torba//bag AJ
prstenje//rings TALLY WEiJL


Please, be my mornar

Svakog leta se večna kombinacija teget i bele, uz malo crvenih detalja ponovo vraća i svake godine je jednako popularla. O prugama uopšte ne treba ni pričati. Šta je to sa večnim trendovima, šta ih to održava? Da li mi koji se toliko zaljubimo u jedan komad i ne puštamo ga (kao ja ovaj sako, haha :D ) ili su to ipak dizajneri koji svake godine u svoje kolekcije ubacuju mornarske motive? Ne zaboravimo da su prethodnih par sezona obeležile pruge u svim mogućim bojama. Od Alexander McQueen, Viktorije Bekam, preko Proenza Schouler, Valentina, pa sve do Celine-a, svi su koristili pruge, bilo kao osnovni motiv, bilo kao podlogu za druge motive ili za aksesoare. Teško da će uskoro prestati da budu interesantne. :)
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

Every summer the eternar combination of navy blue and white, with touch of red is popular again, and every year equally. About stripes, in general, I don't have to speak at all. What is it about these eternal trends, what keeps them? Whether it's us who fall in love with one thing and can't let it (like I do with this blazer, haha :D ), or it's about designers who use in their collections these mornar motives? Don't forger that the last few sesones were characterized with stipes, in all colors. From Alexander McQueen, Victoria Becam, across Proneza Schouler, Valentino and Celine...They all used stipes, either as a basic motiv, or base for other motives, or for accessories. It is hard to belive that they will not be interesting at one time. :)
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.

Na meni//On me

majica//T-shirt STRADIVARIUS
sako//blazer LOCAL STORE
farmerke//jeans ZARA
patike//sneakers CONVERSE
torba//bag CARPISA


Memories... + Vlog

Moram priznati da mi ovde već postaje previše toplo i da mi je potrebno rashlađivanje u moru. Nekako uvek letovanja i sve te prelepe letnje stvari previše brzo prođu i isto toliko brzo dolazi vreme za učenje i kapute, ali ono što nam posle njih uvek ostaje upravo su uspomene. Zato, kao osveženje i za mene i za vas malo slika iz predivnog Olympic beach-a i uz to mali vlog. Ako vam se svidi, obavezno stisnite lajk. :)
Takođe, lajkujte moju stranicu na facebook-u OVDE
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

I have to admit that the weather here is already becoming too hot for me, and that I need cooling in sea. Somehow, vacations and all those amazing summer things are passing by as fast as time for studying and coats is coming, but we do have memories after all. So, as refreshing for me and you guys I have some photos from wonderful Olympic beach with a smaaaall vlog. If you like it, please press like. :)
Also, like my page on facebook HERE
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.