Da li postoji išta udobnije i prijatnije od ovih pantalona inspirisanih našom potrebom da se i na ulici osećamo slobodno i lagodno kao i u svom toplom krevetu? Ja kažem ne! Mogu se naći u milion različitih dezena i boja, napravljenih od različitih materijala jer su se dizajneri u prethodnim kolekcijama jako smelo igrali sa njima. Ja sam ovim svojim oduševljena! Osim što su toliko prijatne da gotovo ne osećate da imate išta na sebi, fantastične su za kombinovanje sa kratkim, opuštenim majicama, blejzerima, košuljama... sa čim god poželite. Kakvo je vaše iskustvo sa njima? :)
Želim vam svima uspešnu sedmicu!
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B
Is there anything more comfortable and cosier than these pants inspired by our need to feel free and leisurely on the street the same way we feel in our warm beds? I say no! They can be found in a milion different patterns and collors, made of different materials because of designers who have played very boldly with them in their previous collections. I am in love with these! Besides they are so cosy that you almost don't feel you are wearing them, they are also amazing for combining with crop, simple tops, blazers, shirts...whatever you wish. What is your experience with them? :)
Have a great week!
Until the next post,
xoxo, B

Veliko hvala mojoj sestri Ivani na fotografisanju i mojoj najdražoj Ani koja nam je pozajmila aparat jer nije imala vremena da me sama slika. <3 Big thanks for my sister Ivana for shooting and for my dear Ana who gave us the camera because she has not have time to do it on her own. <3
Na meni//On me
košulja//shirt Choies.com ON SALE
pantalone//pants P....S.... ON AMAZING SALE
blejzer//blazer LOCAL
mokasine//moccasins ALTER SHOES
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