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Here comes the rain, again...

Zdravo svima,
Kako podnosite to što je leto završilo kod nas? Verujem da ste svi već počeli da unosite u ormar toplije stvari. Ja...Ja koristim poslednju šansu za nešto laganije. Zapravo na meni možete videti nekoliko stvari koje su mi jedne od omiljenih. Ova bela klasična majica je definitivno nešto što neće izaći iz mog ormara zajedno sa haljinama i šortsevima. Imajući na umu da je bela jedna od glavnih boja ne samo sezone već čitave godine, nosiću je na još milion načina. A o teksas kombinezonu šta reći? Podsećaju me na crnkinje iz Američkih filmova a prosto obožavam da se sa jednim odevnim komadom preselim na drugi kraj sveta. Samo se pitam da li bi i one nosile uz sve to salonke? Prosto nisam mogla da dočekam da vam pokašem moje maturske cipele i baš ne znam zbog čega sam toliko dugo čekala. Na sam pogled ka njima javlja mi se milion ideja kako bih mogla da ih kombinujem i upravo to je ono što određenom komadu daje posebno mesto u vašem ormaru. Šta je ono što biste vi držali na kristalnoj polici?
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

Hi, everyone,
How you're dealing with the fact that summer is finishing round here? I belive you have already started with moving your warmer stuff into your closet. And me...I am using the last chance for something lightweight. Actually, here you can see a few things which are some of my favorites. This simple white T-shirt definitely won't leave my closet with the dresses and shorts, because if you think, white is one of the main colors not just for the season, but for the whole year. So, I will wear it for a milion different ways more. And about this denim jumpsuit, what should I say? They reminds me of the black women in American movies and I just love when I am moving to different places with one piece of clotes. I'm just wondering, would they wear this kind of shoes with this combination? I just couldn't wait to show you my prom shoes and I don't actually know why I have waited for this long. When I look at them I have so much ideas how to combine them and that's why some pieces have a special place in you closet. What would you keep on your crystal shelf?
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.

Na meni//On me

majica//T-shirt MANGO
kombinezon//jumpsuit BUTIK IVA ČAČAK
torba//bag AJ
cipele//shoes OH LA LA

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