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Hidden under the hat

Zar ne bi bilo idealno kada bismo mogli da se ispod šešira sakrijemo od svega? Dok prođu kiše i dok se vreme ne poboljša, da budemo zaštićeni i skrveni. Verujem da svako od vas to vrlo često poželi. Ja sam poželela da budem skrivena dok prođu kolokvijumi i da me sve to zaobiđe, ali onda su stigli dobri rezultati i mislim da na slikama možete primetiti moju sreću zbog toga. Sreća nije samo zbog položenih kolokvijuma, već i zbog toga što ću konačno dobiti bar malo vremena da se posvetim vama. :) Što se tiče kombinacije, ovu suknju ste već videli u jednom od prethodnih postova (POGLEDAJ OVDE), tako da vam ne moram ponovo pričati o tome koliko me oduševljava ali moram o tome kako se može kombinovati u dva apsoultno različita stila. Nekako mi se čitava kombinacija savršeno uklapala sa ovim žutim lišćem, prosto sam uživala dok sam se slikala. Što se tiče šešira, mislim da su oni ove jeseni nezaobilazni a sa time se slažu i police u radnjama gde ih možete naći u milion boja i oblika. Ova jesen je diiivna, toliko sunčanih dana i prelepih boja za slikanje, ali završavam ovaj post pre nego što se pretvori u sastav 'Kako sam proveo jesenji raspust' jer bih o bojama koje su trenutno napolju mogla da pišem satima, oduševljavaju me. Želim vam svima neverovatan vikend i uživajte u ovim divnim danima.
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

It would be amazing if we just could hide from everything, but under the hat, wouldn't it? Until rain stops and weather get's better we would be protected and hidden. I belive everyone wish it sometimes. I wished I was hidden until the exames were over and that everything could pass by me, and then good results came out...and I think you can see the happiness on my face in these photos. The happiness isn't there just because of passed exames, but because of little time I will get for you guys. :) And about the combination, you have already seen this skirt in some of my latest posts (LOOK HERE) ,so I don't have to talk about how I am fascinated with it but I do have talk about the way it can be combined in different styles. I have a fealing that this combinations looks great with those yellow leaves, I enjoyed shooting so much. About hats...I really think they are must have for this fall. The shelves in shops think in same way, you can find hats i so many different colors and types. This fall is amazing, so many sunny days and beutiful colors to be shoot, but I am ending this post now, before it become the 'How I spent my autumn holiday' essey, 'cause I would writte pages and pages about the colors outside, they are fascinating. Hope you'll all have an amazing weekend and enjoy these great days.
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.

Na meni//On me

košulja//shirt LOCAL
džemper//sweater CALIOPE
suknja//skirt PULL&BEAR (HERE)
torba//bag DOCA
cipele//shoes ALTER

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