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Simple but colorized one

Znate jedne od onih dana kada vam se nosi nešto najprostije? Bez ikakvih dodataka, samo pantalone i top? Tako sam se osećala dana kada su ove slike nastale. Bilo mi je potrebno samo da upijem što više sunca, dok je tu, i jedino sam želela da se osećam udobno za šetnju. Štos je od običnih komada
napraviti neobičnu kombinaciju. To sam postigla koristeći komade različitih boja stvarjući kontrast što je jedna od karakteristika umetničkog pravca 'Pop art' koji nam dolazi iz 60ih. Ponovo se vraćamo u najmaštovitije dekade što se tiče mode a upravo ovaj pravac će biti jedan od vodećih trendova proleća. Mnogo boja, kolaži, stripovi, nepravilni oblici... "Pop-art želi, bez ikakve iluzije, da stvari govore same za sebe“ bila je rečenica kojom je Endi Vorhol opisao pravac čiji je pokretač bio. Da li ste i vi zaljubljeni u trendove davno prošlih godina kao ja? :)
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

You know one of these days when you just want to wear the simpilest things? No adds, just jeans and top? That's how I felt when these photos were made. I've just needed as much sun as it's possible, while it's here. I only wanted to feel comfortable for walk. The point is making unusual combitation with ordinarily pieces. I done it by using diferent colors and that's how I made the contrast. That's one of the mine characteristics of art direction named 'Pop art' coming from 60ies. Again back to the most imaginative decades speaking of fashion. And actually, that's one of the leading trends this spring. A lot of colors, collages, comic books motives, irregular shapes... "Pop-art wants, without any illusion, that things speak for themselves" was the sentence of Andy Warhol which described his direction. Are you also in love with these trends from past like I am? :)
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.

Na meni//On me

džemper//sweather TERRANOVA
pantalone//pants BERSHKA
patike//sneakers NOVECENTO
torba//bag CARPISA

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