Zima se ne šali sa nama, zar ne? Kada su temperature niske jedino razmišljamo kako da se što više utoplimo pa naše kombinacije znaju da budu zatrpane. Čak i tako mogu biti jako zanimljive i upečatljive, uz dva mala trika: slojevi i dodaci. Slojevitim oblačenjem vaša kombinacija će gotovo sigurno proći zapaženo, a napolju ćete bez poblema moći da provedete sate. Drugi način su dodaci, zanimljivih dezena i upečatljivih boja kako bi razbili često zimsko sivilo. Ispod vas čeka nekoliko mojih favorita, ujedno i predloga :)
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.
Winter doesn't make jokes with us, does it? When it's cold outside we only think how to get warmer, so our combination gets like 'too much of everything'. Even then we can make very interesting and impressive outfits, with just two tips: layers and adds. Layered combinations are practically always noticeable and you don't have to worry, you'll be able to spend hours outside. Accessories are the other way, interesting colors and designs to break grayness. Keep forward and you'll find some of my favorites, which are also a suggestion :)
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.
-1- Huge scarf
-2- The hat
-3- Fur hat
-4- Colorful gloves
-5- Fur jacket
-6- Over the knee boots
-7- The belt and coat
-8- Red coat
-9- The scarf and belt