Zar bi bio toliki problem obojiti sve u crveno? Ako mene pitate, ne bih se bunila. Već godinama tražim savršeni crveni kaput kakav sam zamislila, jarko crven da je sam po sebi elegantan a sa druge strane neobaveznog kroja tako da se može kombinovati uz šta god poželite, dečačke pantalone, duboke čizme, debele džempere... Kaputi ovog nedefinisanog kroja su već nekoliko sezona u trendu. Pođimo od oversized kaputa, preko kaputa na preklop, kaputa u etno ili drugim dezenima, ali ove sezone glavna uloga pripala je kardigan kaputima. Ovi kaputi potekli su od naše potrebe da nam bude toplo ali da se opet nikad ne osetimo preopterećeni teškom odećom. Da li ste već pronašli svoj? :)
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

Is it such a big deal to paint all in red? If you ask me, I would say do it! I've been looking for perfect red coat I've imagined for years, bright red enought to be elegant by itself, but at the other hand made by indefinite cut so you can combine it with whatever you like, boyfriend jeans, boots, big sweathers... Indefinite cut is popular trend for a several year. Let's start with the oversized coats, the ones with a lap, coats made in etno or other popular designs, but in this season the main part goes to Kardigan coats. These coats were made because of our need to feel warm but not to feel over weighted with hard clothes. Did yo find yours? :)
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.
Shirt // Crash One
Turtleneck sweater // TERRANOVA
Coat // ENA & ANISA
Jeans // TALLY WEiJL
Boots // KITTEN
Bag // MONA