



I could act like a boy

Iii da, ponovo se probudio dečak u meni, morate priznati dugo je čekao na povratak. :) Kombinacija u kojoj sam se osećala neočekivano udobno i opušteno iako su štikle bile sastavni deo nje. Tatina košulja, farmerke su moje ali kao da nisu ( :D ), neobični detalji... Zapravo, u čitavoj kombianciji ne
mogu primetiti ništa očekivano i obično. Danas sam se valjda tako osećala, sa željom da izađem iz kalupa i pravila koja su nam ovih dana nametnuta. Iako i kod mene kao i kod većine prolazi klasika, svi imamo dane kada samo želimo da budemo van ikakve kontrole. Pa, eto tu je i razlog tako dobrog osećaja koji sam imala ovako obučena: najbitnije je da se dobro osećate i da ono što nosite izražava vas i vašu ličnost, čak iako o modi nikada niste na ovaj način razmišljali.
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

Aaand yes, the boy inside me is awake again, have to admit, he has been waithing for awhile. :) Here is combinations in which I felt unexpected comfortable and casual although I had heels on my foot. Dad's shirt, the pants are mine, but like they ain't ( :D ), unusual detalis... Actually, in whole combinations I can't notice anything expected or usual. Today I just feel this way, with the wish for getting out of mould and roules which are imposed these days. Although I do love clasic, like the most of us, we all have days we want to be out of the control. So, here is the reason for this such a good feeling I had wearing this: The most important thins is to feel good and wear something that expresses you and your personality, even if you have never been thinking about fashion in this way.
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.

Na meni//On me
košulja//shirt DAD'S
farmerke//jeans PULL&BEAR
majica//t-shirt ZARA
nakit//jewelry BY ME (IRIS HAND MADE)
cipele//heels ALTER
naočare//sunglasses ALDO

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