



Nothing but zebra

Volela bih da je cele godine ovakvo vreme kakvo je sada, pomalo hladno, ali vam sunce ne da da to osetite, a osim što vas greje, izaziva u vama brdo pozitivne energije. Toliko da bih ceo dan provela po mojim omiljenim beogradskim ulicama, obučena samo u jedan veliki džemper koji je dovoljan da se osećam još bolje. Kombinacija koju vidite je krajnje jednostavna, a već znate koliko volim velike
džepere koji apsolutno čine kombinaciju, i znaju da budu dovoljni sami sebi. Uz tako efektene komade, najbolji je neutralan ostatak, malo detalja i to je to. Spremni ste za sunčane dane i podizanje raspoloženja do maksimuma. Verujem da zbog ovako divnog vremena većina vas nije ni svesna koliko nam je blizu Nova godina. Za mene je prerhodna bila predivna, ali nadam se još boljoj i uspešnijoj. Da li ste vi već postavili sebi ciljeve za sledeću godinu?
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

It would be amazing ih the weather can be like this during the whole year, just a little bit cold, but sun don't let you feel it. Besides it warms you, sun is making a lot of positive enegry on you. That much that I would spend all day in my favorite Beograde streets, and wearing one big sweather I do feel evet better. Here you can se pretty simple combination, and you already know how much I loooveee these huge sweathers which can make combination that good, and can be enough to themself. With that efective pieces of clotes, best way for good combination is simple rest and that's it. Ready for sunny days and amazing mood. I belive this weather can make you forget that New Year is almost here. For me, the last one was amazing, but I hoping even betther and more successful one. Have you areday made your own targets for next year?
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

Na meni//On me

naočare//sunglasses ALDO
džemper//swather TALLY WEiJL
suknja//shirt H&M
čarape//socks TERANOVA
torba//bag CARPISA
mokasine//flats ALTER

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