Winter accessories
Zima se ne šali sa nama, zar ne? Kada su temperature niske jedino razmišljamo kako da se što više utoplimo pa naše kombinacije znaju da budu zatrpane. Čak i tako mogu biti jako zanimljive i upečatljive, uz dva mala trika: slojevi i dodaci. Slojevitim oblačenjem vaša kombinacija će gotovo sigurno proći zapaženo, a napolju ćete bez poblema moći da provedete sate. Drugi način su dodaci, zanimljivih dezena i upečatljivih boja kako bi razbili često zimsko sivilo. Ispod vas čeka nekoliko mojih favorita, ujedno i predloga :)
Do sledećeg posta,xoxo, B.
Winter doesn't make jokes with us, does it? When it's cold outside we only think how to get warmer, so our combination gets like 'too much of everything'. Even then we can make very interesting and impressive outfits, with just two tips: layers and adds. Layered combinations are practically always noticeable and you don't have to worry, you'll be able to spend hours outside. Accessories are the other way, interesting colors and designs to break grayness. Keep forward and you'll find some of my favorites, which are also a suggestion :)
Until the next post,xoxo, B.
-1- Huge scarf
-2- The hat
-3- Fur hat
-4- Colorful gloves
-5- Fur jacket
-6- Over the knee boots
-7- The belt and coat
-8- Red coat
-9- The scarf and belt
The end, but a fresh start
Zdravo dragi moji,
Da li je i vas ispunjava osvrtanje na prethodnu godinu? Za mene je bila jedna od najtezih zbog mnogih velikih koraka koje sam napravila, ali sa druge strane i jedna od najlepših zbog novih iskustava i nezaboravnih momenata. Kada se osvrtnem na prvu godinu blogovanja, zaista mogu reći da nisam očekivala ništa od svega što mi je doneo, a od svega su mi najdraži vaši pozitivni komentari, više desetina hiljada pregleda i divne poruke koje ste mi pisali. Šta više mogu tražiti? :) Vama želim najbolje momente u ovoj godini uz vama drage ljude, želim vam da radite ono što volite, što vas ispunjava, jer je to jedini način da lakše prođete kroz one manje lepe stvari, želim vam ostvarene sve ciljeve, ispunjene dane, zdravlje, prijatelje, ljubav. Novi počeci uvek daju dodatnu snagu, iskoristite je i od ove napravite najbolju godinu do sada, a uspomene iz prethodne čuvajte u srcu.
Do sledećeg posta, podsetimo se svih odevnih kombinacija iz divne 2015,xoxo, B.
Hello, my dears,
Does returning on last year makes you as happy as me? For me, it was one of the most dificult years because of some big steps I've made, but at the other side, one of the most beautiful thanks to amazing experiences and unforgettable moments. Speaking of my last year, i really hadn't expect anything what first year of blogging brought to me, but the dearest are your positive comments, tens of thounsands views and wonderful teksts you've been sending to me. What else do I need? :) For you all, I wish the best moments for this year with a people you love, I wish you to do what you love, what makes you happy, because it's the only way for going through the bad things, I wish you achieved goals, days full of joy, health, friends, love. Fresh start gives extra strengh, use it for making this year amazing, but the memories from the last one keep in your heart.
Until the next post, take a look at every outfit from great 2015,xoxo, B
Biggest thanks for Uroš Petrović, Nebojša Aničić and Valentina Pravdić.<3
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