




Oduvek sam pratila blogove ko zna koliko devojaka i momaka a kada sam i ja krenula time da se bavim najčudnije su mi bile brojke koje pokazuju posećenost njihovih blogova. Sve te brojke koje su me čudile sam polako prešišala ali nekako mi je 10.000 uvek delovalo poprilično daleko. Ali znala sam da svojim trudom i upornošću mogu postići i taj i većinu ostalih ciljeva koje sebi postavim. Pa je to poruka i za vas, bez kojih danas ne bih bila ovoliko srećna, uvek verujte da možete sve, da je ceo svet vaš, postavite sebi visoke ciljeve, najviše moguće, jer će onda uvek postojati nešto što će vas vući napred, a ako bude 'to nešto' pratili, obezbeđeno vam je mesto na vrhu. Nipošto nemojte dozvoliti da vas strah od neuspeha spreči da ostvarite svoje snove niti strah od pakosnih i zlonamernih ljudi. Ja sam dozvoljavala da me taj strah pobedi, pa sam zbog toga često odustajala i gubila, ali kada se toga rešite, rezultat je uspeh, jer tada ništa drugo sebi nećete dozvoliti. Svima vam još jednom hvala što ste pratili moj dosadašnji rad, a nadam se da ćete nastaviti sa tim i sada kada svoj blog proširujem na You Tube. Tako da, pogledajte moj prvi tematski video i obavezno mi recite šta mislite o njemu, radujem se tome! :)
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

I've been following blogs of who knows how many people, I always have. But when I started writting it, the weirdest thing for me were numbers showing attendance of the blog. All that numbers were passed, but somehow 10.000 always seemed soooo far away.But I knew that with my hard work and persistence I get that and any other target. So, that is the message for all of you, without who I wouldn't be this happy today. Always belive you can do anything, that world belongs to you. Always make high targets, the highest posible, then you will always have something to pull you ahead, and if you follow that 'something', place on the top is saved for you. Don't let the fear of being insulted to win the battle and keep you from your dreams, neither the bad and envious people. I let those fears to beat me, that's why I lost some things I wanted so bad. But when you finish with that, the result is success. Once again, thank you guys for following my work, and I really hope you'll keep doing it, because now I am also doing the You Tube thing, so check my first thematic video and let me know how do you feel about it, I am looking forward! :)
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.


Spring is in the air

Divnog li dana? Ko bi rekao da je jošuvek febuar i da nas sneg može svakog časa iznenaditi? U međuvremenu, ovakvi dani su kao stvoreni za duge šetnje Beogradom. Nedostajao mi je taj osećaj kada dođem kući posle šetnje i jedva čekam da skinem cipele jer noge prokleto bole od predugačke šetnje. Provodeći vreme u stanu i spremajući ispite, zaboravila sam koliko mi je malo sunca potrebno da se sve loše popravi. U ovoj kombinaciji sam se osećala veoma prijatno i ušuškano, baš tako treba da se osećamo kada provodimo ceo dan napolju. Ne znam šta je sa mnom i kaiševima. U poslednje vreme, kada god mi fali maštovitih ideja za kombinaciju hvatam se za kaiševe i problem je rešen. To ste mogli da primetite i u OVOM postu. Ovo je bila jedna sasvim klasična kombinacija crne i sive, a zatim uz dodatak velikog šala, koji je pritom kariran, i kaiša stvorena je kombinacija u kojoj će vas na ulici primetiti. Poruka: budite maštoviti i pustite da se komadi spajaju na neočekivane načine.
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

What a lovely day? Who would say it's february and the snow can suprise us in every minute? Meanwhile, days like these are made for long walks down Belgrade. I missed so much that feeling when I come to home and just can't wait to take off my shoes cause foot damn hurt because of walk. Spending time indoors and studying, made me forget how small ray of sun can fix all bad things. In this combination I felt very cosy and warm, and that is the way you should feel if you are outside all day. I really don't know what's happening with me and belts. Lately, if I miss imgaionation for combinations I go for belts and problem solved. You could notice it THIS post. This was simple gray-black combination, and then I added big plaid scarf and belt and here you are, something you will be noticed in. Lesson: Let your imagionation out, let pieces to mach in unexpected way.
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.