



NYX Natural Pallet

Bilo je krajnje vreme da sa vama podelim nešto od moje svakodnevne rutine što se tiče šminke a to je NYX NATURAL PALETA. Pričajući o dnevnoj varijani, najviše volim, i najlepše mi deluju neki mirni tonovi koji samo pojačavaju prirodne senke na vašim očima. Za takvo nešto ova senka je idealna. U njoj se nalazi 6 boja od kojih


Pastel lady

Evo konačno za vas imam jednu 'girly' kombinaciju, jednostavnu a elegatntnu. Svaka devojka, koliko god veliki dečak ležao u njoj ima potrebu da se s vremena na vreme oseća zavodljivo i elegatno. To je prosto u nama, iako je našim jačim polovinama uvek nejasno šta je to toliko jako što može da nas natera da trpimo bol u nogama zbog visokih stikli, nama to ne prestavlja nikakav problem, već naprotiv: zadovoljstvo. Međutim, svaka od nas zna kako da od neudodobnih delova napravi udobnu kombinaciju, noseći ih sa nečim u čemu se jako dobro oseća. Baš takva je ova haljina, njena nežna boja čini da se osećate jako prijatno i lagano a u kombinaciji sa još nekom pastelnom bojom rezulzat je još bolji. Materijali pastelnih boja se već nekoliko sezona provlače kroz najcenjenije dizajnerske ruke, a moram priznati da određenim komadima zaista ne mogu odoleti iako je po ovom kištovitom vremenu jako teško preživeti čist.
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

And finnaly I have for you one 'girly' combination, simple but elegant. Every girl has a need for feeling seductive and elegant, no matter how big boy lies in her. It is just in our nature, although out stronger halfs can't understand what can be that strong to make us handle such a big pain in our foot only because of high heels. That doesn't make us such a big deal, but more pleasure. But, every women knows how to make the most uncomfortable pieces very cozy by wearing it with someting what makes her feel weel. That kind of dress is this one, her softy color makes you feel so comfy and leisurely and with another one pastel color, you will have even better result. Pastel materials have been passing trought the most appreciated designer hands last few seasones and I have to admit that I just can't resist to some of them alrhough in these rain days it is hard to stay clean.
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.

Na meni//On me

haljina//dress BY ME
cipele//shoes OH LA LA
trorbica//bag LOCAL STORE
nakit//jewelry IRIS HANDMADE


Here comes the rain, again...

Zdravo svima,
Kako podnosite to što je leto završilo kod nas? Verujem da ste svi već počeli da unosite u ormar toplije stvari. Ja...Ja koristim poslednju šansu za nešto laganije. Zapravo na meni možete videti nekoliko stvari koje su mi jedne od omiljenih. Ova bela klasična majica je definitivno nešto što neće izaći iz mog ormara zajedno sa haljinama i šortsevima. Imajući na umu da je bela jedna od glavnih boja ne samo sezone već čitave godine, nosiću je na još milion načina. A o teksas kombinezonu šta reći? Podsećaju me na crnkinje iz Američkih filmova a prosto obožavam da se sa jednim odevnim komadom preselim na drugi kraj sveta. Samo se pitam da li bi i one nosile uz sve to salonke? Prosto nisam mogla da dočekam da vam pokašem moje maturske cipele i baš ne znam zbog čega sam toliko dugo čekala. Na sam pogled ka njima javlja mi se milion ideja kako bih mogla da ih kombinujem i upravo to je ono što određenom komadu daje posebno mesto u vašem ormaru. Šta je ono što biste vi držali na kristalnoj polici?
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

Hi, everyone,
How you're dealing with the fact that summer is finishing round here? I belive you have already started with moving your warmer stuff into your closet. And me...I am using the last chance for something lightweight. Actually, here you can see a few things which are some of my favorites. This simple white T-shirt definitely won't leave my closet with the dresses and shorts, because if you think, white is one of the main colors not just for the season, but for the whole year. So, I will wear it for a milion different ways more. And about this denim jumpsuit, what should I say? They reminds me of the black women in American movies and I just love when I am moving to different places with one piece of clotes. I'm just wondering, would they wear this kind of shoes with this combination? I just couldn't wait to show you my prom shoes and I don't actually know why I have waited for this long. When I look at them I have so much ideas how to combine them and that's why some pieces have a special place in you closet. What would you keep on your crystal shelf?
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.

Na meni//On me

majica//T-shirt MANGO
kombinezon//jumpsuit BUTIK IVA ČAČAK
torba//bag AJ
cipele//shoes OH LA LA


Promo: Tidebuy lolita dress

Hej, ljudi,
Danas za vas imam jedan drugačiji post, koji zapravo govori o nečemu poprilično neobičnom. Ovaj post je o Tidebuy lolita haljinama . Zapravo, tražila sam nešto na tidebuy.com kada sam naletela na ove neverovatne haljine. O čemu se ovde radi? Ja bih bila veoma srećna da imam hrabrosti za nošenje ovog tipa haljina, ali je nemam (još). Zbog toga sam odlučila da podelim ovo sa vama. Zaista sam fascinirana ovom vrstom odeće, mislim da svaki komad priča sopstvenu priču, staru priču. Takođe, divim se ljudima koji je kombinuju na tako neverovatan način. Jedna od mojih omiljenih blogerki, Tatjana Bezgodova to neverovatno radi. U njenom primeru vidite koliko je sjajno biti drugačiji i birati odeću koju ne možete naći svuda. Zbog toga predlažem da pogledate OVO. Nazad na prethodni post, zašto biti običan čovek, neke od ovih haljina bi vas zaista učinila primećenim. Bilo bi veoma interesantno nositi je na svoj rođendan ili za neku drugu, specijalnu priliku a pritom vam definitivno nije potrebno ništa više. Trenutno ih možete dobiti po jako niskim cenama. Lično bih bila veoma srećna ako se neko od vas odluči za jedan od ovih komada za neki poseban trenutak. Pogledajte moje omiljene sa linkom ispod a sve možete naći OVDE. Želim vam uspešan dan.

Hey guys,
Today I have for you one different post, which is acttualy about something pretty unusual. This post is about
Tidebuy lolita dresses. In fact, I was looking for something on tidebuy.com when I ran into these amazing dresses. What is here about? I would be so happy to have bravery to wear this type of dress, but I don't (yet). That's why I've decided to share it with you. I am really fascinated with this kind of clotes, I think that every piece of it tells its story, old story. And I admire people who combine it in amazing way. One of my favorite bloggers, Tatiana Bezgodova does it amazing. In her example you can see how great is being different and choosing clothes you can't find everywhere. That's way you should check THIS. Back to the last post, why being ordinary people, some of these Tidebuy Lolita dresses would make you so noticed. It is very interesting to wear it on your birthday or some other special occation and you definitely don't need anything else but some of these amazing Lolita dresses. They are very low priced on this site, hurry up while you still have a chance. I would be so happy to know that some of you has picked some of these dresses for some special moment, because I definitely will. Here are my favorites from this site with the link bellow and all of them you can find HERE. Have a great day!

Tidebuy pink Lolita dress

Tidebuy pink Lolita dress 2

Tidebuy sweet Lolita dress

Tidebuy pink Lolita dress 3

Tidebuy pink Lolita dress 4

Tidebuy blue Lolita dress

Tidebuy sweet Lolita dress

Until the nest post,
xoxo, B.


Differences are what we are made of

Da se leto negde sakrilo, to mi je već jasno. Ali mi nije jasno kada namerava da se vrati? U međuvremenu, ja koristim priliku da nosim ove čizme koje oboooožavam! Ovakav stil i nije toliko ,,Ja'' ali i meni jako često đođu dani kada bih nosila neke šašave kombinacije, i komade poput ovih cizama. Šta je zapravo nečiji stil? Ja svoj jako teško odredim, taman mislim da su moj stil slatke košuljice i devedesete, onda bih odjednom nosila kožne jakne i bajkerke, a za sutra već imam na umu neku suknju i štikle. Onda shvatam da čovek ne mora imati konkretan stil i ni u kom slučaju nositi nešto što odudara od njega, već treba da nosi ono što u tom trenutku objašnjava njegovu unutrašnjojst. Moda upravo to i jeste, način da iskažemo sebe i ispoljimo svoja osećanja i razmišljanja. Svakako, ne treba nositi ni nešto što totalno odudara od naše ličnosti jer ćemo u tom slučaju delovati kao prisiljeni da nosimo nešto, čisto da bismo pokazali da znamo da ponesemo različite kombinacije. Kada pogledate neku stvar, i u tom trenutku vam se javi milion zanimljivih kombinacija, onda ta stvar jeste za vas, bez obzira na to koliko ona odgovara vašem, već izgrađenom, stilu. Što ne znači da ne treba izgraditi svoju ličnost u modi. Samo se sa modom treba igrati, mnogo igrati sa različitim komadima i to će vas dovesti do jako neobičnih i zanimljivih kombinacija. Lepota života je, valjda, upravo u različitostima Da li se slažete sa mnom? Radujem se vašim mišljenjima! :)
Do sledećeg posta,
xoxo, B.

I get it, summer is hidden. But what I dont understand is when it plans to come back? Meanwhile, I use the chanse to wear these boots that i looooove so much! This style is not that much like "me", but there are days when I would wear crazy combinations and pieces like this. What does actually mean someones style? It is hard for me to define my style, I've just tought it is cute shirts and nineties, then I would wear leather jackets and biker-boots, and tomorow I have on my mind skirt and heels. Then, I realize, you don't need to have a specific style and behave like there is no way to wear something that stands out of it, but you should wear something that in that moment explains your interior. In fact, that is fashion, the way to express ourself and our feelings and thoughts. Surely, you shouldn't wear something that is opposite of your personality because then we will look forsed to wear something, just to show we can carry on different combinations. When you look at some piece and in that moment you have a milion combinations whit it on your mind, that thing surely is for you, no matter if it doesen't fits to your, already built, style. That doens mean you shouldn't build your own perdonality in fashion. Just play with it, play a lot with different pieces and that will lades you to very unusual and interesting combinations. In fact, the beauty of life is, I guess, in differences. Do you agree? I am looking forward your opinions! :)
Until the next post,
xoxo, B.

Na meni//On me

majica//T-shirt STRADIVAIRUS
jakna//jacket TALLY WEiJL
pantalone//pants TALLY WEiJL
košulja//shirt CRASH ONE
čizme//boots KITTEN (OFFICE SHOES)
torba//bag CALIOPE
nakit//jewlery IRIS